How do I upload an employee list?

You can add more than one employee at a time to your company by using bulk import tools. Once the employees are added to the account, they will receive a welcome email with their login information.

How to Upload an Employee List

  1. On the Admin Dashboard, click the Add New Employee icon.
  2. Click the Bulk Import link toward the top of the page.
  3. Browse to the correct file and upload it from your computer. Please note that you should include a column for first name, last name and email address on your spreadsheet.
  4. Click Add Employees. 
  5. The employee list will be updated within 2-3 business days. Our team will email you when your account is ready to go!

Note: You can also add employees by name and have us pre-fill their email address if they all have the same email address pattern.

If you are having troubles loading your students, you may need to add them individually or have your instructor representative assist you with this as well. Click here to email us!

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