JCAHO Acceptance
The Joint Commission's official policy does not limit CPR training or certification to any company or brand. They are an unbiased organization and do not require certification through the American Heart Association.
ProCPR certification meets the requirements of the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO) Standard PC.9.30 for Healthcare organizations other than hospitals (revised PC. 9.30, EP 4 effective July 1, 2006) and JCAHO Standard PC.02.01.11 for Hospitals for resuscitation training. This standard requires that resuscitation training programs be evidence-based, which describes the ECC/ILCOR and AHA published guidelines. JCAHO defines evidence-based as “based on empirical evidence or in the absence of empirical evidence, expert consensus (such as consensus statements promoted by professional societies).” ProCPR is "evidence-based" training because it uses the most current ECC/ILCOR and American Heart Association Guidelines as its source authority.
The Joint Commission standard for CPR training for hospitals is PC.02.01.11. Organizations other than hospitals fall under the previous rule PC.9.30.
Please note that our programs are fully acceptable and are nationally recognized. There is no reason at all that any organization cannot accept our certifications. Yet, there are some employers that may have an exclusionary policy that limits their staff to only getting a CPR certification directly from the American Heart Association (AHA) or American Red Cross (ARC), due to their long-standing recognition. Those policies have nothing to do with the content or quality of the course. Many of these policies are based on the fact the employer’s education staff will only teach AHA or ARC courses, or they don't have anyone on staff to review or determine the quality of another course's curriculum, or for simplicity, they just decide not to take other companies certifications. In any of these cases, they could still accept our certification because our program follows the latest 2015 ECC/ILCOR and American Heart Association Guidelines. They just need to put the effort forward for their employees and offer them other certification course options that are also fully accredited and valid. If they do that they will recognize that our programs have been professionally reviewed and deemed to meet or exceed the AHA and ARC certifications.
Please share this information with your employer and have them search for the approvals we have nationally and in your state on
the approval page of our site or in our
ProTrainings Compliance Packet for a full listing.
If you are required to complete a hands-on demonstration...no problem! We offer more than just 100% online certifications. We offer hands-on courses through our Blended (online with hands-on) and fully classroom course certification options. In the hands-on options, you'll have that face-to-face skill evaluation with a live Instructor. See this site for more information: