Dental Professionals Claiming CEs with (AGD/PACE ) the Academy of General Dentistry

Dental Professionals can claim ProTrainings courses through the Academy of General Dentistry/Program Approval for Continuing Education (AGD/PACE) and obtain credits for a number of our courses!

Dental professionals (Dentists, Dental Assistants, Dental Techs, and Dental Hygienists) can claim course CEs to AGD PACE for a number of our courses. BLS courses must be done in a classroom or a blended hands-on option, but the other courses we have can be 100% Online. 

Note:  AGD submittals must be done within 30 days of the certification issue date, so it's imperative the hands-on portion is done within that timeframe, or you may miss the opportunity to claim your eligible continuing education credits. There's no time to lose, so let's get started!

Steps 1 and 2. Choose your course from our course library, then click on "Get Started" and on the next screen choose "View Course".

Steps 3 - 5. If the course you chose is accepted for CE Credit(s), you'll see the option to "Start Training for CE Credits". (If this does not show, then CEs are not available for that course). When you click on "Start Training for CE Credits" it will direct you to an area where you have the option to Select a CE Organization. In this case, you'll choose the box showing the Academy of General Dentistry, PACE. 

Fill out the form. We will submit your credit hours after you complete your course and the requirements are met. (If your course requires a hands-on portion as well, make sure to complete that training within 30 days.) 

If you missed the opportunity to complete this form prior to taking your course or if you took your course in a classroom setting, you can still receive your continuing education credits. 

Just follow these steps: 

  1. Click this link to submit your information here
  2. Completely fill out the CE Submittal form (shown below). This form is a bit longer than the one above because we will need your address and other information that we would normally get from your user account. 

That's It! We'll take it from here.

ProTrainings courses and corresponding continuing education credits/hours

Our statement reads as "1 CEU per credit hour", but your licensing department may not use that same formula for credit hours allowed. As a general rule, if your board will accept CPR as a CE credit you can use them. The below ProTrainings courses and their recorded contact hours are below:

Healthcare Provider level certifications

General Workplace level certifications

ProACLS Initial Certification: 8 credits ProHIPAA: 1 credit
ProACLS Recertification: 8 credits Sexual Harassment: 1 credit        
ProPALS Initial Certification: 8 credits ProAnaphylaxis: 1 credit        
ProPALS Recertification: 8 credits  ProHazcom: 1 credit        
ProFirstAid Advanced (BLS + First Aid): 4 credits ProHIPAA for Leaders: 1 credit        
ProCPR (BLS): 4 credits Coronavirus COVID-19: 1 credit        
ProBloodborne: 1 credits Bloodborne for the Workplace: 1 credit        
Healthcare Ergonomics: 1 credit Workplace Ergonomics: 1 credit        
  Office Ergonomics: 1 credit         
  ProPetHero: 1 credit 

You can also Print your ProTrainings CEU Statement or wallet certification from your Training Dashboard by clicking on the Print or Download button. It will state your course with the 'X' number of content hours the course allows. This is the statement you would turn in to your licensing department, ONLY IF you are NOT claiming through the entities listed above. Due to their specific submittal requirements, the entities above will not accept this CE Statement to claim CE credits.

Note:    Even if your CEs are submitted properly, and accepted by the national agency above, they could be accepted for fewer hours than your statement shows, or even rejected by your state department. For these few instances, this does not mean that submitting the CEs isn't worthwhile. The credits you submit are still connected to the accrediting agency and in your records for your professional education, development, and training records. You can always check with the specific continuing education department or your state for more information, or check your licensing rules to see what CEs they accept from the Academy of General Dentistry.

Need more help?  We are happy to assist you further by connecting you with our Compliance professionals. They're always eager to help with searching your state rules or answering any other questions at  855-462-4212.  Need additional help accessing your CEU Statement or wallet certification contact our Customer Support team for further assistance. 

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