How do I log into and out of my account?

How to log in and out of your account:

For help logging into and out of your ProTrainings account, follow the steps below.

To log into your account:

    From any ProTrainings web page, click on the Log In link in the navy navigation bar at the top of the page (it will be on the far right of the navigation bar).

    Note: If you see the option to 'Log Out' instead of 'Log In' that indicates that you are currently already logged into your account. 
    Enter your username and password and then click the blue Log In button.  This will take you directly to your Training Dashboard. 

        Note: Your password is case sensitive, which means that "password", "Password", and "PASSWORD" are all different passwords. Make sure your password is properly entered with upper- or lower-case letters, or both depending on how your password was originally entered.

        Note:  If you have forgotten your password, click on the 'Forgot Password?' link below the 'Log In' button  and we will email you your username and a link to reset your password instantly!

To log out of your account:

    From any page, click on the Log Out link in the navy navigation bar at the top of the page (it will be on the far right of the navigation bar).

    You’ll be logged out immediately, and be directed to the ProTrainings home page.  

Did you know? If you’re having trouble logging in, our Customer Support team can help you find your username or reset your password if needed. Feel free to contact our Customer Support team for assistance!

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